Saturday, February 18, 2006

ok so i went and saw sadies play the other day. it was good i was surprised how good of actress sadie is. parts of it were really funny others just good but thats not the real story here. see i went with hannah of course and when the play let out it was pooring down rain so hannah gets all mad and i start dancing like an idiot... i love bad weather i cant really explain it on here but it basicly makes me feel more alive. anyway so hannahs trudging through the rain with me singing and dancing like a fool until we pass some other people who were trying to stay dry and we laughed and then she started dancing with me. so there we were dancing in the rain jumping in puddles like 5 year olds haveing the time of our life and then we kissed and it was amazing. we walked around for a while being goofy and getting wet until we were cold. she spent the night in my arms and we talked like we always do and its normally the highlight of my night, but this kiss that first kiss in the rain it is something ill never ever forget. it was magic it was that one thing that makes her the one that one thing that tells me that shes special... she does it to me all the time and i know more every day that i love this girl with all my heart.


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