Monday, February 21, 2005

ok so this weekend was as predicted awesome. On Friday I skipped my math class and drove home and went over to my friend Jenns house and we chilled there and watched movies all afternoon and she gave me her cough but its all good. Went to a movie with my friend Daniel and finally went to Chris' house to get him to surprise Sarah THAT WAS AWESOME Sarah was so so happy to see him of course they kicked me and evan to the curb and went to "talk" Then I went back over there after her parents went to bed and we again chilled and "snuggled" until like 4am when she fell asleep and then I went home and went to bed. Then on Saturday I chilled at the house with Sarah and my family till noon and went back over to jenn's watched like 3 more movies hung out snuggled then at 6 I left to go home and picked up my stuff and Chris and Sarah and we left at 7 to come up to bg for a birthday party. Brians party was awesome I got to see everyone from geojourney and even though I see them a lot its still great to see everyone together. It was a great party they even had a DJ. We got hammered and then around 130 the party started to get too full we went to see my friend dever and his friend adrienne she was cool we hung out in his room till like 5 or 6 and we all crashed there. Interesting because I woke up with adrienne sleeping on top of me (fully clothed im not that big of a slut). shes cool though and its always nice to wake up with a pretty girl on your arm ;) then I had to get up and take Chris and Sarah back to their car at 830 in the morning ridiculous because I only got like 2 hours of sleep but it was all good cuz I came back to my dorm and slept till 3. but unfortunately I woke up with a terrible cough thanks to jenn and have been sucking on cough drops ever sense.


Blogger Kimmy said...

colds stink. :/ I hope you feel better soon! Thanks for posting. :)

February 21, 2005 at 10:07 PM


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